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Founded in 2002, our mission here at Giantmicrobes Inc. is to produce unique and interesting gifts for children and adults alike. Whether your interest is educational, medical, or just plain old entertainment, we're your number one source for all things microbial!
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Dr. Will Melahn, the Chief Medical Officer at St. Claire Healthcare in Kentucky, talks to CNN's Kate Bolduan about his biggest challenges. Featuring GIANTmicrobes Gigantic Covid-19 Vaccine.

"Check out GIANTmicrobes and instead of giving your little girl another stuffed bear give her a stuffed four-chamber heart, e. coli, brain cell, or common cold instead." - HuffingtonPost

"From a heart of gold to a broken heart, buy your little Valentine an plush heart replica and foster a love of science and anatomy year round." -

"They had me at chlamydia." - USA TODAY

"Tree ornaments to adorn your evergreen with the common cold, a brain cell, the kissing disease, and E. coli." - Buzzfeed

"GIANTmicrobes Incorporated was founded in 2002 with the aim of educating kids and adults about medical issues by making, you know, little stuffed animals of various microbes." - NPR, Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! (4/7/2018)

"'STDs are on the prowl and just can't wait to jump in your pants!' Toy company turns sexually transmitted diseases into 'charming' stuffed animals" - Daily Mail

"Colossal microbes taking over the world sounds like a B-movie plot, rather than the business plan of a stuffed toy manufacturer. We asked Drew Oliver, the creator and CEO of GIANTmicrobes, about how the company came about, how their products have been received and his plans for the future." - Nature Microbiology

"We were first introduced to GIANTmicrobes back in 2017 and have been GIANT fans ever since.. GIANTmicrobes are plush, personified renditions of microscopic critters. Plus these plush toys are so cute, it's hard not to love them." - My Silly Little Gang

"Good news: Now you can give people sexually transmitted diseases without even touching them." - Columbus Ledger

"The toys — for those who want a chlamydia, crabs or a clap education without the hassle of contracting — are flying off shelves in museum and gift stores.." - Stamford Advocate

"Get your daily dose of smart fun with GIANTmicrobes Vitamins!" - TimeOut NY Kids

"We all want to find something fun and unique to give our loved ones on Valentine's Day – and the latest release from GIANTmicrobes could be exactly what you need!" -

"With actual, enlarged molecules of Vitamins A, B6, C and D they will learn all about these compounds that are essential for growth and nutrition. See these fun Vitamin GIANTmicrobes." - "Parenting Healthy

"Jim Henson's Muppets made pigs and frogs endearing, and Walt Disney turned a common rodent into a cultural icon. Now, Drew Oliver thinks it's time for bacteria, viruses and other maligned microorganisms to share the love." - The Associated Press

"If you’re unfamiliar with GIANTmicrobes, let me give you a quick rundown. Long story short, they make ginormous-sized plush versions of microscopic “bugs” and cells.. Maybe you’re thinking “Well, that’s kind of a weird gift! Who would I give that to?” I’ll tell you!" - Pretty Opinionated

"There are all kinds of gifts that people want for the holiday season – clothing, jewelry, toys, games, housewares – but has anyone ever requested germs for Christmas?" - She Scribes

"GIANTmicrobes has an awesome collection of critters, inspired by the invisible microscopic world. From Zombie Virus, Anthrax, Brain-Eating Amoeba Plagues, The Common Cold, to Black Death, each creepy critter comes with fun educational facts.." - Newly Crunchy

"The children have loved looking at the brain cell, red blood cell, bone cell, and muscle cell in tandem with real bones! These little guys are a great addition to any science center!" - Kindergarten Kiosk

"How would you like to receive a brain cell for Halloween? Or possibly a cold sore or the plague? Maybe you’d like to wish botulism on someone you know. Well, now you can do just that with these fun, plush gifts from GIANT microbes!" - In Our Spare Time

"This Halloween look at some of the scariest things in the world- GIANT Microbes! You can hold Ebola or the Black Plague in your hand, a million times their actual size. They are cute, fun, and even educational." - Mom Does Reviews

"Every one of these is cuter than a bug's ear." -

"These giants are absolutely awesome, and I'm cuddling with death tonight." - PC World

"Toys and art objects based on science classes such as physics and microbiology have become the hottest thing." - The Sydney Morning Herald

"These adorable stuffed versions of nasty disease-causing microbes aren't just for medical professionals." - WIRED

"You have to love that infectious enthusiasm." - Newsweek

"They are so darn cute!" -

"Fancy cuddling up to some syphilis at night?" - METRO
GIANTmicrobes® is a registered trademark of Giantmicrobes, Inc.